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Secret Acres

Créée en 2006 par Barry Matthews et Leon Avelino à Los Angeles

450 N Rossmore Ave #602, Los Angeles, CA 90004, États-Unis

Leon Avelino : Well ! I’m sticking to my story : I was suffering with some serious depression and Barry suggested starting a comic company as a way to cheer me up. It worked, mostly. Secret Acres demands a lot of attention, which makes it difficult to go completely off the rails, plus, as a spiritual pursuit, comics rewards amateurs. We formed an actual corporation in 2006, launched the mini-comics distro and website in 2007, and published our first books (Fatal Faux-Pas, Wormdye and Capacity) in 2008. Secret Acres went live on September 24th, 2007, or at the beginning of time. We try to avoid, for better or worse, having a house style, or a Secret Acres book. We tend to fall for the most idiosyncratic, or uncommercial, stuff, and that works most of the time. Who wants to play by the rules, anyway ?